The News Norbar Torque Tools


Here at Norbar we have been active in increasing torque wrench production both through welcoming new people to our torque wrench assembly department and improving the efficiency of the assembly lines. In terms of production efficiency, we have recently carried out an intensive exercise using external consultants and staff to look at ways of increasing throughput and have achieved some impressive results. Although we were focusing on screwdrivers and small torque wrenches, the lessons learned can be applied to all of our production.
In terms of “hot topics” at Norbar, ISO6789:2017 is still well up there as one of the hottest. The new TWC torque wrench loader and revised software for the T-Box XL
TM instrument are both available giving distributors and customers alike a solution to calibrating torque wrenches to ISO6789-2:2017. We now need to roll out new hardware and software to our torque wrench production lines so that we are ready to set our wrenches to the new ISO standard. The big decision that we have had to make is whether we should issue our torque wrenches with a “part 1” declaration of conformance (broadly equivalent to what we currently call a traceable calibration certificate) or a “part 2” calibration certificate as defined by the new ISO standard. The decision has been made and we will announce that decision at the end of the year when we launch our new price list and catalogue.
The Torque Wrench Calibrator (TWC) in its powered and automated form is now entering the final stages of development for launch in March 2018 at the Cologne Fair. We already have two examples on our new Model 15 & 25 production line using the same hardware but a cut-down version of the software compared with the type that we will offer to customers. This will enable us to test the hardware and some aspects of the software in preparation for launch.
The flow of new products continues with the Right-Angle Gearbox launched and adding greatly to the versatility of our PTS
TM, PTM and EvoTorque® power tools. A fantastic new video will be released shortly that very clearly shows the advantage of the Right Angle Gearbox. The ClickTronic® range has expanded with the addition of 9 x 12 and 14 x 18 Torque Handle versions. The Model 15 & 25 torque wrench is now finally close to coming into production with deliveries scheduled to start in January. Once this Model 15 & 25 product line has settled in to production, we need to give some serious thought to the variety of small torque wrenches that we manufacture as we will not be able to economically maintain four families (Model 5, SL0, TTi and Model 15 & 25) at less than 60 N·m capacity.
In Marketing our main focus is on the 2018 price list and catalogue. Many customers were disappointed that the grey covered “general catalogue” has not been kept up to date. It is now our intention to add dimension and weight data, along with line drawings, to the current “product listing” to turn this into a full catalogue. You will see the results of this project in the UK Price List 2018 in December 2017.
If we can assist you in making this a great end to the year for your business and Norbar then please do not hesitate to get in touch. We have a fantastic team of people both here in Banbury and our offices around the world ready to assist you so if you have got any questions, technical or otherwise, give us a call or try our “live chat” service on the website.

Yours faithfully,
Philip Brodey
07884 311046

SDC Trailers Case Study

norbar vietnam

Over the next few months we will be exhibiting at:


  • Quebec
  • 9 November 2017
  • Booth TBC


  • Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company, Abu Dhabi
  • 13 – 16 November 2017
  • Booth 8621

Solar Canada

  • Toronto, Ontario
  • 4 – 5 December 2017
  • Booth 115

For more information about shows we will be exhibiting at,

please visit for more details.

norbar viet nam


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