Solartron Analytical – Potentiostat/Galvanostat (Model:1287A)

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The Solartron Analytical 1287 Electrochemical interface is a high accuracy, wide bandwidth potentiostat/galvanostat which offers a full range of ac/dc test capabilities; when coupled with a frequency response analyzer.

Measurement Integrity
Central to the measurement capability of 1287 are two high resolution digital voltmeters which provide simultaneous voltage and current measurements. Using Solartron Analytical’s patented pulse width conversion technique, they have high accuracy, stability and linearity throughout the entire range of the instrument.

The 1287 has excellent measurement resolution and accuracy down to 1μV for the reference electrodes and 1pA for the working electrode, which makes it an ideal choice for measurements where signal levels are extremely low.

The 1287 uses floating measurements on all connections: it is equally at home measuring corrosion rates on grounded oil pipelines as it is in the laboratory. For safety reasons, it is often necessary to ground laboratory equipment such as autoclaves, a major
problem if your instrumentation is not capable of floating measurements.

The 1287 offers complete flexibility for cell connection: 2-, 3- or 4-terminal measurements can be made with equal ease.

  • 2-terminal techniques for general materials/electrochemical testing
  • 3-terminal techniques for corrosion/coating applications
  • 4-terminal techniques for accurate characterization of batteries/fuelcells, enabling lead resistance and impedance effects to
  • be minimized


Measurement Configuration
Cell connectors 2-,3- or 4-terminal, all floating
Working electrode current measurement resistor (Rs) range: 0.1Ω to 1MΩ
Full scale current ranges 2A to 200nA
Limit of error: 0.10% ±0.05% of range
Counter Electrode Output voltage, wrt LO: >±30V
Current, subject to thermal protection limits 2A
Slew rate potentiostatic control >10V/µs
Reference Electrodes
Input impedance: 10 GΩ
Input capacitance: 50 pF
Input current: 1 nA
Limit of error: 0.1%±100 µV
Rejection: f<10 kHz: 75dB, f<1 MHz: 40 dB
Measurement Configuration
dc polarization voltage range: ±14.5V
limits of error: V<3.2V: 0.2%±200uV
V>3.2V: 0.2%±2mV
max. resolution: 100µV
Current range: ±2A
limit of error: 0.2% ±0.1% of range
max. resolution: 100pA
dc sweep: analog ramp ramp rate (voltage): 6mV/min to 6000V/min
segment duration: 10ms to 105s
dc sweep: stepped ramp step height: 5µV/5pA to 29V/4A
step duration: 10ms to 105s
ac input voltage range: ±10V, gain: x1. x0.01, impedance: 10kΩ
Control Loop Bandwidth 100Ω resistive load, unity gain
potentistatic mode, type C stability: >MHz
galvanostatic mode, type B stability: >100kHz
Digital meters
Resolution 3 1/2, 4 1/2, 5 1/2 digits
Maximum resolution 1µV/1pA
Bias Rejection
Voltage Range: ±14.5 V
limit of error: 0.2%±10 mV
resolution: 5mV
Current ranges (full scale): 200nA to 2A
limit of error: 0.2%±1% of range
resolution: 1% of range
Power Supply 90 to 110V, 108 ti 132v, 198 to 242V, 216 to 264V, 48Hz to 65Hz
Power comsumption 150VA
Dimensions (w x h x d) 432mm x 108mm x 472mm (17in x 425in x 18.5in)
Weight 11kg (24lb)
Operationg temp. range 0 to 50ºC (32 to 122ºF)

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