The GX1648 is a 3U PXI digital to analog output board is designed specifically for applications where multiple analog outputs are required. The GX1648 offers precision signal sourcing performance and quality at an economical price.
The GX1648 is organized into groups of eight channels. Each group is programmed and triggered independently. All groups can also be updated simultaneously. All channels provide single-ended voltage and are automatically at zero volts DC after reset to prevent inadvertent damage to external equipment.
Programming and Software
The board is supplied with Windows 32 and 64 bit Windows DLL driver (GXAO). Various interface files provide access to the DLL from programming tools and languages such as ATEasy, LabView, LabView/Real-Time, Microsoft® and Borland® C/C++, Microsoft Visual Basic®, Borland Delphi, and more. The available virtual panel can be used to interactively adjust and control the instrument from a window that displays the instrument's current settings and status.
An On-Line help file and PDF User's Guide provides documentation that includes instructions for installing, using and programming the board.
A separate software package – GtLinux – provides support for Linux 32/64 operating systems.