EMTEST-Low frequency signal source DC (0Hz) to 250kHz (Model: AMP 200N)

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Lưu ý: Tham khảo ý kiến của nhân viên INO sẽ giúp bạn tiết kiệm được thời gian và chi phí khi cần mua sắm. ​​Với sự tư vấn của chúng tôi, bạn sẽ không gặp khó khăn khi tìm hiểu về đặc tính của sản phẩm cần mua.


  • Built-in DDS to generate sinusoidal signals up to 250kHz
  • Built-in LF amplifier, 250W
  • Output voltage max. 140V p-p, 50V rms
  • Output current max. 5A rms
  • Programmable DC voltage offset
  • Controlled by AutoWave and autowave.control via Framebus
  • Integrated voltage measurement 10Hz – 250kHz (optional)
  • Integrated field strength measurement (optional)
  • Integrated frequency-selective current measurement 10Hz – 250kHz (optional)
  • Safety interlock


AMP 200N – Low-frequency signal source for supply simulation and magnetic field testing

The AMP 200N has been designed as a low-frequency signal source to generate sinusoidal signals used to simulate ripple noise and ground shift noise as required by a variety of standards in the automotive industry e.g. as per Ford EMC-CS-2009.1, CI 210 and CI 250 as well as RI 150. The AMP 200N is controlled by the EM TEST Autowave to also allow the generation of non-sinusoidal and customised signals. Additionally, the AMP 200N can be used to generate magnetic fields by means of a radiation loop or small Helmholtz coils as per RI 140 of Ford EMC-CS-2009.1.
  • Chrysler CS-11809 (2009)
  • Chrysler CS-11979
  • Chrysler DC-11224 Rev.A
  • DaimlerChrysler DC-10615
  • DaimlerChrysler DC-11224
  • Ford EMC-CS-2009.1
  • GMW 3172
  • EMC-CS-2010JLR V1.1 (2011-01)
  • MAN 3285
  • SAE J1113-2
  • Tata TST/TS/WI/257


AMP 200N – Signal generator/amplifier solution for ripple noise and magnetic field testing

The AMP 200N unifies a low-frequency signal generator and a powerful amplifier module giving a maximum amplitude of 150V peak-to-peak as required e.g. by Ford EMC-CS-2009.1. It generates both sinusoidal and transient signals. Equipped with a DDS it generates any sinusoidal signal with a frequency up to 250kHz. The AMP 200N is controlled by the EM TEST AutoWave in order to generate any sinusoidal or non-sinusoidal/transient signals and is therefore fully supported by the autowave.control software with its exhaustive library of pre-programmed standards and its outstanding reporting and documentation capabilities.

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