Universal Magnetic Sector SIMS for Materials Science
The CAMECA IMS 7f is a double-focusing magnetic sector SIMS with well established analytical performances: it combines extreme sensitivity, high mass resolution, high dynamic range and best detection limits on light and trace elements.
Key analytical features for solving a wide range of analytical problems…
The IMS 7f offers unparalleled depth profiling capabilities with high depth resolution and high dynamic range. A high efficiency optical gate is used to eliminate crater edge effects, and the high mass resolution ensures true elemental analysis by eliminating the numerous interfering ions (31P/30SiH, 56Fe/28Si2…). The high transmission mass spectrometer is combined with two reactive, high-density ion sources, O2+ and Cs+, thus providing high sputter rate and excellent detection limits.
Thanks to a unique stigmatic optical system, the IMS 7f performs both direct ion microscopy and scanning microprobe imaging. Besides, its electron flood gun provides a unique self-compensation mode that makes it possible to measure depth profiles on complex insulating structures.
Therefore, the IMS 7f proves extremely useful for addressing the most diverse issues in materials analysis: doping concentration and distribution, impurity control, layer interface quality (junction impurities, diffusion of contaminants,…), successfully reducing R&D cycle times and enhancing production yields.