Anritsu- Signal Analyzers (Model: MS2690A)

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  • Frequency Range: 50 Hz to 6 GHz
  • Analysis Bandwidth
    • 31.25 MHz (Standard)
    • 62.5 MHz / 125 MHz (Option)
  • One-Box Tester with the addition of the Signal Generator option
  • Batch Capture Measurements for the fastest analysis time


Signal Analysis will never be the same again

MS269xA Series Signal Analyzers are the latest high performance signal analyzers for next-generation communication applications. The MS269xA Series Signal Analyzer base units include swept spectrum analysis, FFT signal analysis, and a precision digitizer function. Add options to incorporate a Signal Generator, to turn the instrument into a hassle free, plug and play, one box solution.

The MS269xA Series Signal Analyzers support a standard analysis bandwidth of 31.25 MHz that can be extended to 62.5 MHz /125 MHz with optional hardware. Using a patented calibration process, the multipoint amplitude calibration and the phase calibration result in a level accuracy of ±0.5 dB across a 6 GHz span. No other analyzer on the market can meet that specification! These boxes are superlative in every way — they measure the widest signals and using the latest technology, make measurements faster than ever before. The modular architecture ensures a box that grows as measurement requirements change.

A series of options enables standards-based modulation analysis, vector signal generation, and BER measurement. The end-user can configure a one-box solution that dramatically reduces cost, footprint, and Total Average Cycle Time (TACT) for device evaluation.

The MS269xA Series Signal Analyzers are accurate enough for the most demanding R&D environment, yet are fast enough for the factory floor! Currently supported applications include GSM, GPRS, EDGE, W-CDMA, mobile WiMAX, and LTE.

The wideband FFT signal analyzer (analysis bandwidth of 31.25 MHz with option for 62.5 MHz /125 MHz) supports high-speed continuous measurements including CCDF, frequency vs. time, spectrum, and power vs. time analysis. The standard digitizing function can capture waveforms and immediately play them out using the optional Signal Generator. An extended digitizer option adds the ability to capture signals up to 20 MHz wide for up to 4 hours.


  • BTS and UE transmitter testing
  • Receiver testing with the Signal Generator option
  • High-performance for R&D
  • High-speed for manufacturing
  • General Purpose analysis for modulation R&D
  • 3GPP testing including LTE/LTE-Advanced (FDD/TDD), EDGE evolution, and HSPA+
  • WLAN testing including IEEE802.11a/11b/11g/11j/11n/11p and 11ac
  • Extended digitizer to capture up to 4 hours of data
  • Power amplifier testing
  • Satellite Communications
  • Physical layer Testing for all 3GPP technologies


Communication system Applicable software
 Basic Digital Signal Analysis  Vector Modulation Analysis Software
 3GPP 2G and 3G Analysis  GSM/EDGE Measurement Software
 EDGE Evolution Measurement Software
 W-CDMA/HSPA Downlink Measurement Software
 W-CDMA/HSPA Uplink Measurement Software
 TDMA IQproducer
 W-CDMA BTS Testing  W-CDMA BS Measurement Software
 LTE FDD Analysis  LTE Downlink Measurement Software
 LTE-Advanced FDD Downlink Measurement Software
 LTE Uplink Measurement Software
 LTE IQproducer
 LTE-Advanced FDD Option
 LTE TDD Analysis  LTE TDD Downlink Measurement Software
 LTE-Advanced TDD Downlink Measurement Software
 LTE TDD Uplink Measurement Software
 LTE TDD IQproducer
 LTE-Advanced TDD Option
 Mobile WiMAX Analysis  Mobile WiMAX Measurement Software
 Mobile WiMAX IQproducer
 3GPP2 Analysis  EV-DO Forward Link Measurement Software
 All Measure Function   NEW
 1xEV-DO Reverse Receiver Test Waveform Pattern   NEW
 CDMA2000 Forward Link Measurement Software
 All Measure Function   NEW
 DigRF 3G RFIC Testing  Digital I/F Control Software for DigRF2.5G/3G
 UMTS Measurement Software for RF Device Test
 ETC/DSRC Analysis  ETC/DSRC Measurement Software
 TD-SCDMA Analysis  TD-SCDMA Measurement Software
 Composite Waveforms for Signal Generator option  Multi-Carrier IQproducer
 WLAN Analysis  WLAN (802.11) Measurement Software
 802.11ac (160 MHz) Measurement Software
 WLAN IQproducer
 802.11ac (80 MHz) Option
 Rubidium Reference Oscillator  Aging rate ±1 × 10-10/month
 Wideband Analysis Hardware  Extends the Analysis Bandwidth to 125 MHz
 Analysis Bandwidth Extension  Extends the Analysis Bandwidth to 62.5 MHz / 125 MHz
 6 GHz Preamplifier  100 kHz to 6 GHz
 Vector Signal Generator  125 MHz to 6 GHz
 Baseband Interface Unit  For testing DigRF 3G RFIC interfaces only
 HDD Digitizing Interface  Used for the Extended digitizer – collect data for 4 hours
 Extension of Preselector Lower Limit to 3 GHz  Extends lower limit of pre-selector to 3 GHz
 Noise Figure Measurement Function  Y-factor method using a Noise Source
Lưu ý: Nếu một thiết bị nào đó không được liệt kê ở đây, điều đó không có nghĩa rằng chúng tôi không hỗ trợ được bạn về thiết bị đó. Hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi để biết danh sách đầy đủ về thiết bị mà chúng tôi có thể hỗ trợ và cung cấp.
INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD | INO Sales: 028 73000184 | Anritsu- Signal Analyzers (Model: MS2690A).