KHOẢNG CÁCH - VỊ TRÍTAKEX Cảm biến siêu âm Takex US-T50 / US-R25 – Ultrasonic Sensers – Takex Viet Nam By admin - Tháng Mười Hai 4, 2017 1 556 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter US-T50/US-R25 Ultrasonic Sensor Microminiature ultrasonic sensor embedded in a conventional sensor housing Reliably detecting transparent packaging PET bottle or container Adjustment POT are equipped on the both model Datasheet: US-T50 – Download US-T50PN – Download US-R25 – Download US-R25PN – Download Cảm biến Takex Vietnam AV 100E Takex Sensors Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam DA-301E GT23AD Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam FS-1000E Fiber length 3m Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam FS-2000e Fiber GT25AD Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam FS-3000E Fiber length 5m Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam FS-5000E Takex Sensors Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam FS-6000E Fiber GT210AD Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam GS-1100E Fiber length 10m Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam MS 100E Takex Sensors Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam MS 12FE Fiber GT25AD Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam MS 12 Fiber length 5m Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam MW 50H Takex Sensors Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam MW 50L Fiber GT210AD Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA -15WE Fiber length 10m Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-30NE Takex Sensors Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-450E CS1-F Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-450PI Transmitter Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-470L Adapter for OHA Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-480S Takex Sensors Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-6612E Takex Sensors Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-6805E FA51 Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-6810E Lens unit Square Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-6812E Takex Sensors Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-6820E FT101-AD2 Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-7012E Adapter for OHA Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-7030E Takex Sensors Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-7100E FT-L101 Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-8410E Transmitter Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PA-8420E Takex Sensors Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-100AT-the KH FT-R101 Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-100F Receiver Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-100HF-KH Takex Sensors Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-100ST GT23AD Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-100TK Fiber length 3m Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-10ns Takex Sensors Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-10TNS FA52 Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-200F Lens unit Round Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-200HF-KH Takex Sensors Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-20TE FT101-AD2 Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-30TK GM-Z5RTPN-J Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-40TE G-MSB1 Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-tầng 50 G-MTB1 Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-50HF-KH G-MTB2 Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-60TE GR02-DR Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB- 60TK GN-M2CR Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-IN-100AT GN-M2CR-J Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-IN-100HF GN-M2CRPN Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-IN-200HF GN-M2CRPN-J Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-IN-50HF GNP1 Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PB-IN-75SW GNP2 Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PBS-15T GNP3 Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PIR-30WE GNP5-1 Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PIR-50NE GN-PFA Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PR-10B GN-PFB Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PR-11B GN-R30C Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PR-1B GN-R30C-J Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PR-5B GN-R30CPN Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PS-520E GN-R30CPN-J Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PV-12E GN-R40CR Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PVW-12TE GMR2RSN-J Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PXB-100HF GM-S5RT Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PXB-200HF GM-S5RT-J Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam PXB-50HF GM-S5RTPN Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TAD-100 GM-S5RTPN-J Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TAD-150 GM-Z5RT Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TAD-200 GM-Z5RT-J Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TAD-300 GM-Z5RTPN Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TAS 100 GA-B1 Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TAS 150 GA-B2 Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TAS 200 GA-M3R Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TAS-300 GA-M3RPN Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TAW-100 GA-MT1R Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TAW-150 GA-MT1RPN Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TAW-200 GM10 Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TAW-300 GM30 Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TX-114Fr GM5 Takex Viet Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TX-114SR GMR2RN Takex Việt Nam Cảm biến Takex Vietnam TX-114TR GMR2RN-J Takex Viet Nam GT210AD GN-R40CR-J Takex Việt Nam GT21AD GN-R40CRPN Takex Viet Nam GT22AD GN-R40CRPN-J Takex Việt Nam GT23AD GN-R7C Takex Viet Nam GT25AD GN-R7C-J Takex Việt Nam GT27AD GN-R7CPN Takex Viet Nam GT2-DR GN-R7CPN-J Takex Việt Nam GT2-DR14 GN-T10CR Takex Viet Nam GT2S-DR GN-T10CR-J Takex Việt Nam GT2S-DR14 GN-T10CRPN Takex Viet Nam GT2-WS GN-T10CRPN-J Takex Việt Nam GT2S-WS GN-T7C Takex Viet Nam GT3N GN-T7C-J Takex Việt Nam GT3RSN GN-T7CPN Takex Viet Nam GT505J GN-T7CPN-J Takex Việt Nam GT510J GN-Z3C Takex Viet Nam GT520J GN-Z3C-J Takex Việt Nam GS5SN GN-Z3CPN Takex Viet Nam GSM2RSN GN-Z3CR Takex Việt Nam GSR05RN GN-Z3CR-J Takex Viet Nam GSR05RN-J GN-Z3CRPN Takex Việt Nam GSR05RSN GN-Z3CRPN-J Takex Viet Nam GSR05RSN-J GR02-DR14 Takex Việt Nam GSZ3RSN GR02S-DR Takex Viet Nam GSZ3SN GR02S-DR14 Takex Việt Nam GSZ5R GR12GN Takex Viet Nam GSZ5R-J GR12GSN Takex Việt Nam GSZ5RS GR12RN Takex Viet Nam GSZ5RS-J GR12RSN Takex Việt Nam GT1N GR12UVS Takex Viet Nam GT1SN GR12UVSPN Takex Việt Nam GT205AD GR2M-DR Takex Viet Nam GS20RN GR2M-DR14 Takex Việt Nam GS20RSN GR40RN Takex Viet Nam GS20SN GR60RN Takex Việt Nam GS5N GS20N Takex Viet Nam Takex the wire length is 1.5 meters Takex Việt Nam UM-T100DS Takex Sensors Takex Viet Nam PHOTOSENSOR CS1-F Takex Việt Nam Takex Transmitter Takex Viet Nam DL-S100 TC the wire length is 1.5 meters Takex Việt Nam Takex Takex Takex Viet Nam DL-S200P GS20N Takex Việt Nam PHOTO SENSOR Takex Takex Viet Nam Takex Sensors SWD55B Takex Việt Nam FT-L101 Takex Takex Viet Nam Transmitter SWD55R-AP Takex Việt Nam Takex Sensors Takex Takex Viet Nam FT-R101 SWD55L-AP Takex Việt Nam Receiver GA-S05R Takex Viet Nam GKS-R10FPN GA-S05RPN Takex Việt Nam GKS-T10RF G-K7B Takex Viet Nam GKS-T10RFPN GKM-BM05R Takex Việt Nam GKS-T15F GKM-CM4R Takex Viet Nam GKS-T15FPN GKM-CR1 Takex Việt Nam GLT505 GKM-CS01R Takex Viet Nam GLT505J GKM-CS02R Takex Việt Nam GLT510 GKM-CT15 Takex Viet Nam GLT510J GKM-M4R Takex Việt Nam GLT520 GKM-R1 Takex Viet Nam GLT520J GKM-S01R Takex Việt Nam GLX505 GKM-S02R Takex Viet Nam GLX505J GKM-T15 Takex Việt Nam GLX510 GKS-B1 Takex Viet Nam GLX510J GKS-M4RF Takex Việt Nam GLX520 GKS-M4RFPN Takex Viet Nam GLX520J GKS-R01F Takex Việt Nam GM05 GKS-R01FPN Takex Viet Nam GMR2RSN GKS-R10F Takex Việt Nam