Shimadzu-Prominence nano (Model:nano LC)

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Proteome analysis, an exhaustive analytical technique for analyzing proteins, is primarily conducted using ESI-LCMS or MALDI-TOFMS. Many proteins and peptides are extremely minute in quantity, requiring the enhanced sensitivity provided by mass spectrometers. Therefore, there is great demand for a stable front-end HPLC that can support such micro-level flow rates.

The Prominence nano is a nanoflow LC system consisting of Prominence Series units, including a flow line switching valve for nano-level flow control, and a solvent delivery unit that demonstrates excellent flow rate accuracy even at nano-level flows. Two system configurations are available, including a basic 1-dimensional system that adopts the trap injection system and a 2-dimensional system in which reversed-phase separation is automatically conducted following the first stage cation-exchange separation.

High-precision proteome analysis is strongly supported by the Prominence Series and its array of features and technologies, such as excellent retention time repeatability through a high-accuracy flow rate, a low-dead volume switching valve and its low sample carryover autosampler, to name a few.

Basic Performance of Prominence nano

  • Accurate solvent delivery at nano flow rates with newly-developed nano flow sensor
  • Low solvent consumption with reflux flow control system
  • Low-volume nano valve – excellent performance and ruggedness –
  • Higher-sensitivity analysis with less sample volume

Intuitive operation with Nano-Assist control software

  • Intuitive operation via graphical user interface
  • Visual monitoring of instrument operational status
  • Convenient setting of 2-dimensional LC parameters

Application in Proteome Analysis

  • Data reliability through high retention time repeatability
  • High degree of separation utilizing 2-dimensional LC

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INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD | INO Sales: 028 73000184 | Shimadzu-Prominence nano (Model:nano LC).